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tiān wén xué
1 Astronomie (S, Astron) 2 Himmelskunde (S) 3 astronomisch (Adj)
tiān wén xué jiā
1 Astronom (S, Astron)
tiān wén xué shǐ
1 Geschichte der Astronomie (S, Astron)
guān cè tiān wén xué
1 Beobachtende Astronomie (S, Astron)
guó jì tiān wén xué lián hé huì
1 Internationale Astronomische Union (Org, Astron)
kǎo gǔ tiān wén xué
1 Archäoastronomie (Gesch)
měi guó tiān wén xué huì
1 American Astronomical Society (Org) 2 American Astronomical Society (Astron)
qiú miàn tiān wén xué
1 Sphärische Astronomie (S, Astron)
shè diàn tiān wén xué
1 Radioastronomie (S, Astron)
yè yú tiān wén xué
1 Amateurastronomie (S, Astron)
yè yú tiān wén xué
1 Amateurastronomie (S, Astron)
tài píng yáng tiān wén xué huì
1 Astronomical Society of the Pacific (Org)
X线XX shè xiàn tiān wén xué
1 Röntgenastronomie (S, Astron)